Altar Flower Reservations

August 6, 2019 2:22 pm

St. Veronica has opened the calendar again to take reservations for altar flowers.  This is an opportunity to honor or remember a loved one, commemorate an occasion, or express a special prayer intention, while supporting our flower ministry through the year.

* Stop by or call the parish office, or email, to request an altar flower reservation.  Reservations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

* Mail or bring the donation amount, $75.00, to the parish office, or drop it in collection basket, the poor box in the north vestibule, or the slot in the parish office door at the back of the hall.  Note “altar flowers” on your check and envelope, and the date for which your reservation has been accepted.  Flower donations are considered donations to St. Veronica and therefore tax deductible.

* Our floral director, Kathy Pedati will select and arrange the flowers based on seasonal availability and the liturgical calendar.  We cannot take requests for specific types or colors of flowers.

* With the donor’s permission, the weekly bulletin will recognize the donor and/or the intention, provided that the reservation has been made by the Monday prior to that bulletin’s cover date.