Pro-Life Apostolate

This apostolate is involved in education, prayer and social action to support human life from conception to natural death. Regular activities include the Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. and the twice yearly 40 Days for Life campaign–40 days of prayer and fasting to end abortion.

40 Days for Life Spring 2022

40 Days for Life Fall 2021

40 Days for Life Fall 2021

In addition, St. Veronica parishioners join every Saturday with prolife men, women and children from around the diocese to stand peacefully and pray outside the Falls Church Healthcare Center at 900 S. Washington Street in Falls Church (one of three remaining abortion centers in Northern Virginia). Here is just one of many examples from Falls Church where God answered prayers:

Note: In 2016, the Virginia Department of Health reported 17,039 children killed in the womb in Virginia, of which 2,233 were killed at Falls Church Healthcare Center (the Falls Church mill processes approximately 7 women and children per day).

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