
The Sacristan is responsible for the Church’s sacred vessels and vestments. Sacristans coordinate and perform preparations for Mass, including special holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, Wedding Celebrations, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and Masses for the Dead.

The Sacristan maintains the inventory for the Sacristy and orders materials for Mass such as Altar Breads.  The Sacristan cleans sacred vessels, maintains the candles on the Altars and changes Altar cloths for holidays.

Decorations for the Holidays and changing Missalettes are special activities that require assistance from the parishioners. Filling holy water fonts, straightening church materials in the pews, changing votive candles and bulletins are weekly Sacristan duties that make the Church ready for our parishioners to attend Mass and praise God in a Church that is fit for a King.


Training is conducted by the Sacristan. Additional training for special preparations, such as the decorations for Christmas or Easter is provided at the time of the holiday.

Assistance Commitment

Assistance is welcome every Saturday morning and for special holidays.

If you have any questions or wish to volunteer, please contact Gina McCue,